Personalized Physiotherapy

Personalized Physiotherapy

If you want to treat PAIN/RETAIN MOVEMENT, schedule your assessment with one of our Physiotherapists:

- Vinicius Cantoni – Training in Physiotherapy, clinical Pilates, EPTE - therapeutic percutaneous electrolysis and Ultrasound, Specialist in osteopathic manual therapy

- Daniela Agostinho – Training in Physiotherapy and specialty in Women's Health (Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation & Preparation for birth pre and postpartum)

The Personalized & Advanced Physiotherapy that we provide is very different from conventional Physiotherapy, because the Physiotherapist sees 1 patient every 45-60min, with current methodologies and focused on the origin of the PAIN/MOTION DISORDER, in order to eliminate it and bring back quality of life for each customer.

You can request reimbursement from the subsystem you have, for example ADSE, SAMS, SAD, ADMA and health insurance that participate, in FREE REGIME, so you can treat effectively and quickly through our Personalized & Advanced Physiotherapy, or place your IRS (The tax deduction corresponds to 15% of the amount borne by any member of the household in health expenses (Article 78.º-C of the CIRS)).

Single session €65

Pack 10 sessions | €40.00/session

Ask us about the perfect treatment for you!

a. Local

b. Força da dor (de 1 a 10)
c. Após estar parada(o) muito tempo / Em movimento

*campos de preenchimento obrigatório

I read and Agree with:Policy and Terms.*


(+351) 212 905 655
(Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
(+351) 916 189 585
(Chamada para a rede móvel nacional)

Av. 1º Maio 25-A
2825-397 Costa da Caparica

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