Mapa Astral

Astral Chart


Astral Chart - General study of the person who was born

Astrology explains how man can, through his Astrological Chart, perfect his tune with life and evolve spiritually.

Each person is born with their own personality, the result of their evolutionary heritage. 

Mysteriously, the stars mark our evolutionary process, also influencing our life plan. 

The astrological chart is a study based on personal data (full name, date and time of birth), which allows you to read your personality and temperament profile, and what challenges you face in order to evolve spiritually. It aims to improve our knowledge of ourselves and realize our potential in various areas of life.

Astrological Counseling, allowing greater awareness of the blockages that prevent a harmonious life with ourselves and the environment. 


Price- 60 euros

Information needed to make an Astral Chart: Full baptismal name, date of birth and time of birth

Time - 90min

Consultation of the Astral Chart of the Year / Solar Revolution - Study of the year we are in

Allows you to analyze the climate of the current year calculated from the moment of your birthday


Price- 40 euros

What you need to ask the person for: Full baptismal name, date of birth and time of birth

Time - 60min

Pedro Andrade, is a Psychologist, and trained at the "Mar Português" school of Astrology under the guidance of astrologer Paulo Cardoso in an area based on the study of personality and predictions, and later trained at the Portuguese Center for Astrology under the guidance of astrologer Maria Flavia de Monsaraz, developing knowledge of humanist astrology, placing man in the universe, as well as esoteric astrology.

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(+351) 212 905 655
(Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
(+351) 916 189 585
(Chamada para a rede móvel nacional)

Av. 1º Maio 25-A
2825-397 Costa da Caparica

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