

Osteopathy is an integrative science, with manual techniques, which begins with diagnosis and treatment, acting on the structural and functional aspects of the body, based on the principle that an individual's well-being depends on the harmonious functional interdependence between the skeleton , muscles and ligaments.

Through the use of touch, physical manipulation, stretching and specific massage techniques, it helps to increase the mobility of ligaments, to relieve muscle tension, to enhance the supply of blood and nerve impulses to tissues, promoting flexibility and the body's biomechanical balance. .

Osteopathy uses specific manual techniques appropriate to each type of tissue, each type of pathology and each type of patient as well as their age.

Within Osteopathy there are several specializations, which address different types of pathologies with very specific techniques, such as Cranial-Sacral Osteopathy, Visceral Osteopathy, or Structural Osteopathy.

It can be indicated for different pathologies and at all ages.


Duration 45min | Price €60 (Dr. João Almeida)

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(+351) 212 905 655
(Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
(+351) 916 189 585
(Chamada para a rede móvel nacional)

Av. 1º Maio 25-A
2825-397 Costa da Caparica

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