


The services of TP – Talassoterapias de Portugal, SA, hereinafter referred to as TP, include Thalassotherapy, Massages, Aesthetics. Hydrotherapy, Physiotherapy and Specialty consultations.

This document describes the information, terms and conditions of the services provided by TP to its customers. Customer status implies compliance with TP regulations.


1. Objective

This document aims to clearly establish, for all its users, the rules and standards for the use of health and well-being services available at TP facilities.


2.Individual treatments / Group treatments

  1. INDIVIDUAL, individual or pack treatments are purchased with advance payment and have a pre-defined validity of 6 months. When more than 1 treatment per session is purchased, this session must be used in full and you cannot share the treatments with another person.
  2. In GROUP treatments, payment of the monthly fee must be made in the 1st session, and is valid for 1 month. This service has an annual subscription fee of €20. The client is assigned to a specific group and cannot switch to another group, without permission from the therapist or PT, nor share the monthly sessions with another person they can name.


3. Gift vouchers

Vouchers that allow you to enjoy services at TP must be clearly legible, within the validity period and delivered when booking the service.

Partner or TP vouchers for promotions of the month do not include laundry service.

If the voucher holder wants to change services, they can do so subject to our availability, and paying the difference in value, if the service is of higher value.

TP vouchers have a pre-defined validity of 1 month (Offer of the month) or 6 months (vouchers) from the date of purchase. After expiry, you can extend the validity for another 4 months, upon payment of €20.


4. Customer Escorts

For logistical reasons, clients' companions are not permitted to attend treatments.


5. Children

Children under the age of 13 are not permitted to use the services. The registration of Customers aged between 13 and 17 depends on the express authorization and signature of a term of responsibility from the guardian, as well as their monitoring at all times during the provision of services.


6. Frequency Regime and Services

Frequency regimes and services provided and available equipment may be changed, added or eliminated by TP, with customers being informed of changes in advance, through information posted at Reception.


7. Policy on booking and canceling treatments

Appointments, cancellations and rescheduling can be made in person at reception, via Thalasso telephone or email.

The day before your reservation you will receive a booking confirmation message, reminding you of the appointment time.

Appointments are made:

- To customers who pre-paid sessions.

- With presentation of Voucher.

- Services previously paid or marked with 50% of the value.

If you intend to make any changes to your booking, we ask that you pay attention to the following points:

- Without any penalty, you must cancel or reschedule at least 24 hours in advance. We ask that you pay attention to appointments you may have on Mondays, as these must be canceled or rescheduled by 7:30 pm on Saturday at the latest.

- Failure to show up without prior notice or canceling the treatment on the day of the session, this treatment will be considered completed. We ask that you pay attention to appointments you may have on Mondays, as these must be canceled or rescheduled by 7:30 pm on Saturday at the latest.


8. Opening Hours

TP's opening hours are from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm, from Monday to Saturday, including holidays. All services are open on holidays except group treatments. Thalasso closes on Sunday, December 25th (Christmas), January 1st (New Year) and May 1st.


9. Changes to Hours, Services, Therapists and Prices

TP reserves the right to change the terms and conditions established in this regulation, particularly with regard to the replacement of services, timetables, with the customer being informed in advance through information posted at the reception desk, in a good location. visibility.

Regarding the replacement of Therapists, TP reserves the right to replace, without prior notice, as long as they have the same technical skills.

Regarding the price list, TP also reserves the right to change it at any time, without prior notice.


10. Processing of Personal Data

The data transmitted to T P is incorporated and processed in a file under its responsibility, with the sole purpose of managing the services requested by the customer, in order to comply with applicable legal requirements.


11. Additional services

TP has disposable shower caps and slippers for sale whenever the customer does not bring them. During individual Thalassotherapy treatments, 1 towel and 1 bathrobe are provided. For group treatments, massage services, beauty treatments, physiotherapy, and other services and promotions that do not include the use of towels and bathrobes, these can be rented at reception, at a cost of €3.5.


12. Payments & Refunds

Monthly payments must be made by the second day of activities of the respective month of the period to which they relate.

Payment methods: Cash, ATM, credit card, MBWay, Ref. MB, bank transfer to IBAN PT50 000 700 000 011 056 225 023, presenting proof at reception before carrying out the service, or by direct bank debit.

Payment is made before treatment and can never be refunded, but rather replaced by a service of equal or lesser value. Treatment fees are only reimbursed when there is a written medical justification why treatments cannot be continued.


13. Loyalty Program

The loyalty program is completely personalized according to the customer's needs, and has a loyalty period of 4 months.

After choosing the included services, a form is filled out, which contains the treatments to be enjoyed and the respective prices.

The 1st payment (value of services to be enjoyed that month + Annual subscription fee) is made over the counter, and the following months by Bank Direct Debit, on the 1st business day of each month


14. Interruption of payment of monthly group treatment fees

Failure to pay by the 3rd session of the month will result in cancellation of registration, and the resumption of the activity depends on the existence of a vacancy at the desired time, and the payment of outstanding monthly fees.

In situations where a registration is canceled due to non-payment and/or customer withdrawal, payments already made are not refundable.

Thalasso may immediately suspend registration whenever the user seriously or repeatedly violates the general regulations, putting their health and well-being and that of other customers or employees at risk; voluntarily causes damage to facilities, materials or equipment, or in any way affects their regular functioning. Thalasso reserves the right to reject customer registration.


15. Temporary frequency interruption

All customers have the right to suspend activities for a maximum period of one month during the year if the reason is due to illness, presenting medical proof at reception in order for us to maintain the vacancy, having to pay a fee of €20 to maintain it, for 1 month. After a month of justified interruption, the vacancy becomes open for another Client.


16. Customer Credit Transfer

Credit entries will be made for reasons attributable to Thalasso not previously mentioned and in the following exceptional situations:

When requested by the client through a written request, the transfer of credits to the spouse or first-degree relatives (parents and children) for duly justified reasons.

By authorization order from the Thalasso Administration


17. Medical prescription

It is mandatory to undergo a medical consultation or present a medical prescription for health treatment.


18. Thefts

Thalasso is not responsible for any theft that may occur within its facilities, including the locker area and changing rooms.


19. Bathhouses

The client has a locker to store their belongings, which must be vacated after the treatments. All products found without an owner will be kept by Thalasso for 15 days. To use the lockers, customers must bring a padlock.


20. General Provisions

The use of part or all of the facilities may be prevented by Thalasso, for the time necessary to carry out presentations, exhibitions or other activities, as well as to carry out maintenance, improvement or repair work on facilities or equipment, being obliged Thalasso to communicate these restrictions to customers.

Whenever, for reasons of order or maintenance, it is not possible to carry out treatments, Thalasso will provide alternative activities or the possibility of booking at another time, in which case no credits will be made to customers. Any impossibility of providing Thalasso services, resulting from fortuitous circumstances or force majeure, will be subject to replacement with similar services within existing availability.

Thalasso reserves the right to use photographs or filming taken within its facilities for promotional purposes, if the customer does not object.

Customers must use the space and equipment in such a way as not to disturb the peace and tranquility of other customers.

The use of cell phones, cameras and filming is not permitted inside Thalasso.

It is mandatory to wear a bathing suit, bathrobe and slippers when traveling inside the Thalasso humid space, and walking barefoot or bare-chested is not permitted.

It is mandatory to use a cap in the pool and shower beforehand.

In case of feeling unwell or feeling unwell, the client must immediately stop treatment, inform the therapists, and follow their instructions.


21. Applicable Law and Competent Forum

Any omitted cases will be resolved by Thalasso Management. For all issues arising from or related to this adhesion contract, the Court of the District of Almada is competent, expressly waiving any other.


Remember that you also have a whole team at your disposal ready to help you in this “100% Health and Well-being” space.


(+351) 212 905 655
(Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
(+351) 916 189 585
(Chamada para a rede móvel nacional)

Av. 1º Maio 25-A
2825-397 Costa da Caparica

Livro de Reclamações